Keeping a Tidy Routine When Life Gets Busy

Life can get pretty hectic, am I right? Between being a spouse, a parent, a business owner, and a friend, there's not much time left for anything else. And when life gets crazy, our living spaces often bear the brunt of it. But guess what? Keeping things tidy isn't just good for your sanity; it can help you stay organized and focused when everything else is in chaos.

I've learned this firsthand. These days, I schedule every minute of my day to make sure I can tackle all my responsibilities. And you know what I've discovered? When my home is neat and organized, I can handle the whirlwind of life much better. When closets start overflowing, or the laundry pile becomes a mountain, it feels like an extra weight I don't need on my plate.

Lucky for me, staying organized comes naturally, but I get it; it's not the same for everyone. So, when you're trying to establish new habits that aren't in your comfort zone, remember, it takes time. There will be moments when you'll want to give up, but I promise, a few weeks or maybe even months down the line, you'll be grateful for the effort you put in.

Tip #1: Let's start with creating a catch-all bin for each floor of your home. The idea here is to clear the clutter that inevitably accumulates around the house – you know, those random socks, toys, or paperwork strewn about. Once that bin's full, it's time to relocate those items to their rightful places. Consider setting a daily routine: collect the clutter every night and put it in the bin. Then, once a week, empty the bin and return everything to its proper spot.

Tip #2: Try a daily mini-reset. This means doing small tasks like doing the dishes, checking the mail, and ensuring your counters are clutter-free. For some, this might seem overwhelming, so start with just one task and gradually add more when you're ready. The goal here is to eliminate common roadblocks that clutter can create. Think of it this way: spending a minute on these tasks daily beats hours or even days of cleaning up a mess that's been accumulating for weeks.

Tip #3: Finally, focus on doing things your future self will thank you for. Identify daily stressors and find ways to eliminate or change them. Hate a cluttered inbox? Unsubscribe from unnecessary emails. Laundry a constant headache? Set a specific day each week to tackle it. Treating these tasks like work obligations will make them feel less burdensome.

I'd love to hear how these tips inspire you to conquer clutter and make your life just a bit simpler.


Creating a Clutter-Free Environment: Setting Intentions for the Year Ahead


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