Where to start when your whole house needs some love

When we have our initial consultation with a new client, so many are spinning as they list off all the areas they want to tackle. As professional organizers, we are well-equipped for exact these scenarios. We come in with a plan and take the time to really understand how to make an impact each and every time we work in a client’s home. If you are feeling overwhelmed and want to start this process on your own, here are some simple steps you can take.

Step 1: Start with picking one room that is the “holy” space of your home. This means that at the end of each day, there is zero clutter in this space. Generally, the kitchen or main living room is a great spot to start but you should pick the room that makes the most sense for you or your family. 

Step 2: EDIT! Donate or toss items that you no longer need. Open every cabinet, every drawer, every closet. Relocate items that belong in other spaces of your home. 

Step 3: Organize your “holy” space. You want this space to be inviting, motivating and a daily reminder of how important this process of decluttering and organizing is to you. 

Step 4: Maintain. Reset your space daily. This should only take a few minutes since you have done the work in step 2.

When you are feeling ready move to the next space in your home, repeat the steps. With time, eventually every room will be organized!


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