Deck the Halls: Storing Your Holiday Decor

This is supposed to be a joyous time of year but it can be very time consuming and overwhelming for the person responsible for decorating. To make sure this task is as easy and enjoyable as possible, here are some suggestions.

Get bins that actually can hold everything. Halloween and winter holiday decor can take up a lot of space. Using larger bins for the bulky items is ideal so you can stack these during the off seasons. This is a good time to invest in quality bins. The goal here is to minimize the amount of items you need to pull for the season and ensure you can find all your favorite decorations. 

I also like to store holiday pjs, books and seasonal specific items in the bins. This way they aren't taking up prime real estate in your kitchen, closet and bookcases all year long. 

For ornaments, I do think specific bins to store them makes sense. When you have 10 different size shoe boxes with fragile ornaments inside there is a good chance items will break or get lost in the piles of holiday decor. 

My mom used to take hours to set up the entire home. I look back and wonder “where was I?” “Why wasn't I helping?” Take it from me: your kids can (and should!) be involved. Decorating your home can be a wonderful tradition. Bonus: you don’t have to do it all by yourself! I’m sure I would have been annoyed or “too busy” to help but that's what parents are for: to make us do things we hate but will love them for when we are parents. 

During this holiday season if you realize you’d don’t end up using certain pieces, donate them. It’s okay if you downsize the production: you and your family will still have a wonderful holiday. You want to enjoy each part of the holiday season and sometimes that means edit out some portions of the celebration. 

As always, if we can help with editing or helping to create sustainable storage solutions in your home, our team would love to help!


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