It’s the most wonderful time of declutter.

It’s the most wonderful time of declutter.

The cookies have been made, the gingerbread houses have been decorated, the gifts have been distributed and the elves have all returned to the North Pole. You may be having a case of the post-holiday blues...or you may have just taken a big sigh of relief.

Either way, if you felt like your metaphorical tree was going to tip from the weight of the season, now is the perfect opportunity to take inventory and remove the excess.

As you come down off of the holiday buzz, ask yourself — what made the cut? Take note of any unused items still left inside the bins as you bring them back out. Be honest about decor that takes too much time to set up or maintain (I’m talking to you, inflatables!) Stop overlooking anything worn, broken or incomplete and toss them. Check local ‘Buy Nothing’ groups or donate decor that doesn’t fit your overall aesthetic. Finally, let us take a moment of silence for all the time wasted untangling knotted strands of lights and say farewell for good!

Once you’ve edited the excess, take time to invest in proper storage. Normally, I suggest loose categories, but Christmas decor is a season where purchasing bins with organizers specific to the type is justified. It will not only keep your items safe, but will also streamline the decorating and storage process. Separate like items into categories (ornaments, lights, garlands, wreaths, wrapping paper, etc) and label accordingly so decorating can be fun, not overwhelming.

And lastly, reflect on what rituals, traditions and activities filled you and your family with joy and which ones left you feeling drained. For instance, if you typically get an ornament on every family trip — is that ritual still serving you or just cluttering up your tree? Does sitting in traffic for hours to see Christmas lights stress you out? Not good at wrapping presents — there’s a reason gift bags exist. Baking cookies not your thing — buy them at bakery and call it a day! It’s ok to let go of a tradition if it feels like an obligation to continue or compromises your well being. Read that again.

Beyond our material possessions, it’s equally important to take inventory of our mental, emotional and physical states during the holidays. As we head into 2022, let’s make a conscious effort to remove unhealthy people, situations and possessions from our lives so we only have space for the good stuff. Time is too precious and life is too short!

Quick Tips

  1. Be honest about unused items and finally toss or donate them.

  2. Invest in proper storage; categorize and label accordingly.

  3. Reflect on holiday rituals and let go of any tradition that drains you.

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