Is Life’s Noise Cluttering Your Brain?


While living in New York City I was accustom to noise clutter each and everyday.

Walking to work, in the office, on the train, and just sitting in my apartment. I was surrounded by noise. But my favorite time would be a Sunday morning as I walked my two little dogs along 22nd street in Chelsea. It was quite, calm and free of distractions. I would be able to breath and take in the beautiful city that I loved. The silence allowed me to appreciate all that I had; and take in the architecture of the buildings.

Noise clutter is underestimated in how much it negatively impacts our mental health.

Do you ever notice when you eat in a loud and busy restaurant its hard to enjoy your food. You may notice you eat faster than normal or have a hard time tasting each flavor. Personally noise clutter has a huge impact on my mood and how I interact with others.

Take a moment this week to be present and listen to the noise around you.

Sit at your desk, close your eyes and take it all in, be aware of your surroundings maybe for the first time. Actively looking for silence throughout your days gives you a moment to reconnect with yourself and your environment. It allows you to take back control of your environment and remove the clutter to refocus you on the task at hand.

This is a hard one for me, but sitting in your home without the tv on and just be. Some may see this as a meditation but I want you to take in each sound and process whats going on. I want you to remove digital noise so you can reconnect with your breath and space. Our homes have such an impact on our wellbeing. It’s where we start and end each day.  Ask yourself – when is the last time you really just connected with your space to ensure it supports with your goals.

Quick Tips:

1. Take 5 minutes each day to take in your surroundings

2. Breath, become aware of the noise around you and how it is affecting your mood.

3. Find ways to mute the sound to create calmness throughout your day.

[Image via Pinterest]


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